My new blogging buddy dreamangel75 has tagged me. It is the second time I have been tagged but I thought I would go ahead and share more about myself since, one, we have so many new ladies who have joined the Sisterlock family, "welcome," and two, I love this game (((((Laughs))))).
1. I recently lost a total of 25 lbs to date. I was a size 7/8 all through highschool and college and when I graduated from College I began to gain weight. So I am happy to say that I am back in my size 8 (Hallelujah).
2. I am currently working on my first novel. It is a Christian Fiction novel. I also write Christian Devotionals. I attempted to write my first book when I was in 7th or 8th grade (I only wish I had a copy of what I wrote). Anyway, my current book is a work-in-progress. Stay tuned.
3. I moderate a Christian Connection group. It is a group that enables Christians from all over the world to connect. The group is called God First Christian Connection. If you are interested in joining click on the link below:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GodFirstChristianConnection/4. I am currently learning Spanish, I have always wanted to learn Spanish. After completing my Masters Degree, I now feel like I can learn a second language at my leizure. Actually, as much Spanish as I have taken in school, I should be fluent by now (umph).......But I have a deep yearning too learn Spanish. I love the Spanish culture, especially the food (smile).
5. I have a crippling fear of dogs and small spaces. I remeber when I had to get an MRI, I was terrified, something that should have taken 20 minutes took more like an hour for me because I was so afraid. The technician had to keep stopping and talking me through it. Finally, he, the technician, covered my eyes with a towel, I just continued to sing Christian songs in a light voice too keep me calm, I am happy to say it worked. "Next time I will bring my DH with me to help me through it."
6. Believe it or not I am actually a little shy and introverted. In my profession I have to be more extroverted and people often make the mistake that I am very outgoing, because I do a lot of public speaking, "which I love," and one-on-one Couseling, therefore people feel very comfortable with me, but actually it takes a lot for me to work up the courage to just freely talk to people in social settings unless I am among friends or family.
7. My birth name is "Abena" and it is from the Ghanaian Fante Root. The meaning of my name is "Girl born on Tuesday," and yes I was born on a Tuesday.
Meaning-(Warm, gentle, eloquent, and compassionate)
Now the rules: You have to choose 7 things to share about yourself. Then choose 7 people to tag. Now don't forget to post a comment on their blog informing the person that he/she has been tagged, so that they can join in on the fun.
- Cherie- Locsuluv
- Sonia- SogoLocs
- TwoIslandsgirl
- Shanessence
- Aya
- Jocelyn- MsJamison
- Sis. RJQueen