After all of the research, waiting, delaying, and procrastinating, we are finally going to get a new puppy....YIPEEE!!!! My Honeybear and I have decided on a Brown Miniature Short-Haired Dachshund. We went shopping this weekend for puppy books (and I have been reading like crazy) and to scope out what doggie products and equipment we will be needing.
We will be getting our new doggie from a local Dachshund breeder so I have a few weeks to learn all that I can. I have never had a dog so this will be a new experience all together for me, fortunately my Honeybear has had 2 dogs growing up. One common thing that I keep reading is that Crate-training is the best....what are your thoughts? The dog will be inisde of course, so the only part I am not looking forward to is "potty-training," so doggie lovers please share your wisdom.
I am open to any suggestions or advice before we bring our little pup home :)
Thanks a bunch!!!