Abena's Pages

"Natural Beauties Who Follow My Blog"

Friday, January 26, 2007

"My Song" by Carole

Denver's Premier Loctician Carole Pearson wrote a piece called "My Song" that speaks on the struggles we face in our society regarding natural hair. It is a powerful and inspirational piece that I wanted to share with you all.
Please take the time to watch the video, you will be blessed. As Carole says in "My Song" just remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST AS YOU ARE!

Visit Carole's blog for a great "Natural Hair Experience"

Thank you Carole for sharing your heart with all of us!


Carole Pearson, my new blog buddy, who created the video, "How to wash your locks" shared this POWERFUL documentary with me. It is a video that gets to the very heart of how some black children and even adults still see themselves as ugly, bad etc. Please set aside 7 minutes to watch the video. Please share this with your friends, family and whomever else you can get this video out to.

If you haven’t seen this yet, please take 7 minutes to watch how powerfully the point is made. I agree with Carole, that, for me, the hardest part to watch is when one of the little girls, after declaring that the black doll is “bad”, was asked, “what doll looks like her?" The way she hesitates to push the black doll forward, and the look of almost shame at the acknowledgement of what the whole thing means is almost unbearable. Here is the video.

Click on this link and watch the news clip about the documentary. “A young student’s documentary leaving audiences stunned Kiri Davis is a young filmmaker whose high school documentary has left audiences at film festivals across the country stunned — and has re-ignited a powerful debate over race.”
(Thank you Carole for sharing this powerful video with me!)

Friday, January 19, 2007

"My First Sisterlock Inspiration"

My first Sisterlock Inspiration!This is the first woman I ever saw with Sisterlocks. When I saw her I was always so fascinated by her hair but I had no idea what is was. When I was fed up with my permed hair and all of its expensive ways I finally asked her about her hair. She shared information with me about Sisterlocks. She informed me that I could style, color, or do pretty much all of the same things I did when I had a perm but with my own natural hair in all of its beautiful glory. I was fascinated and from that point I began to research Sisterlocks further; 3.5 years later I am so happy that I made the decision to get Sisterlcoks.

She is on the front of the Sisterlock Book "Tapestry of Dreams" in the bottom right corner. Dr. Joanne Cornwell did her locks over 8 years ago.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

"In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

Please do not forget to take a moment to reflect on King's life, legacy, and influence. He would have been 78 years old Monday, January 15th.

Click the link to listen to a rare and powerful excerpt from one of the most influential men of the century: http://www.thekingcenter.org/

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I can't believe it has been 3 1/2 years that I have had my locks. I love them more and more each day. In these photo's this is me with my infamous roller-set (I am so addicted to the roller-set and twist-out). Thanks for visiting my blog and celebrating my 3 1/2 year Sisterlock anniversary with me.

Oh by the way my husband told me to stop taking pictures of myself and let him take the pictures and I told him I am so excited sometimes to get pictures posted on my blog that I can't wait for him to come home ((((Laughs))). But to get him more involved with my love of blogging I may have him start taking the pictures and I have to learn to be patient.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

"How to wash your Locks"

Click on the link below to see a step by step demonstration by Colorado's Premier Loctician, Carole Pearson, on how to wash your locks:

Please tell me, was the video helpful?