If you haven’t seen this yet, please take 7 minutes to watch how powerfully the point is made. I agree with Carole, that, for me, the hardest part to watch is when one of the little girls, after declaring that the black doll is “bad”, was asked, “what doll looks like her?" The way she hesitates to push the black doll forward, and the look of almost shame at the acknowledgement of what the whole thing means is almost unbearable. Here is the video.
Click on this link and watch the news clip about the documentary. “A young student’s documentary leaving audiences stunned Kiri Davis is a young filmmaker whose high school documentary has left audiences at film festivals across the country stunned — and has re-ignited a powerful debate over race.”
(Thank you Carole for sharing this powerful video with me!)
I viewed it last year and it is really powerful in its message although it a very short piece.
I agree.....very POWERFUL!!! I had never heard of it or seen it so I am glad that Carole shared this with me. Thanks for stopping by Cashana.
Well, here I am 34 years old and the same issues are prevalent. I remember, when I was younger, black dolls were very rare. One Christmas, my mama went out of her way to find us black dolls. I think we were about 6 or 7 years old.
Well, I loved my doll. I loved both legs, and both arms off of my doll. I loved my doll. I loved the left eye ball out. I loved my doll. I loved all of her hair away. I loved my doll. I took her every where with me, and until there was nothing left but a frame of my doll. I loved my doll.
I try to give that same feeling to my daughter and neice. I only buy them African American dolls. This year I bought my neice a white doll, because there were not anymore black dolls. Her mom, said it is okay. I want her to be multicultural. At this point I thought it might actually be, OKAY, because we had already established the core value there before we branched off and added "other" dolls to the mix.
I think, I will actually do that test with the girls and see what results I get. I am even going to see how my son responds too. I am going to video tape it, so when they get older, I will have it to show them.
Sis. RJQueen
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