Abena's Pages

"Natural Beauties Who Follow My Blog"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Ladies and gentlemen let's Talk----WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITES?
1. Natural Hair Websites or Blogs (and why)
2. Natural Hair Books (and why)
3. Natural Hair Magazines (and why)
4. Natural Hair Photo Galleries (and why)

Hello ladies and gentlemen I would really like to know WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITES??? Thanks for participating :)


Aya said...

I Prefer reading books or magazines about natural hair care. In my home I'm often competing with the kids to get on-line. However, I do like reading the websites and hearing what new and seasoned wearers of sistrlocks have to say.

TwoIslandsGirl said...

This is a great poll! Ok, here are my answers: 1)My favorite blogs would have to be Creyole, Brunsli, Tra, Sunsail, and ChosenVessel of course! 2)I have to cheat a bit on this one, I love the book titled The Beauty of Color by Iman. Although it isn't about hair, it gives a great beauty guide for skin of color and has great pics of natural beauty. 3)I love the natural hair care section of Black Hair Magazine. They really need to include more info though. I was suppose 2 do a photo shoot for BHM once (when my hair was pressed), maybe I can be the first with Sisterlocks! 4)Hmmmm...I don't have a favorite photo gallery yet but I'd love 2 see what others suggest.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, so now ya wanna pick a sistah's brain??? LOL. Hmmmm, let's see if I have enough extra ta give . . . .

Fav blog: Mine. Why? I was strongly encouraged to keep a journal due to a path I am now on. I started a handwritten, very personal, journal, but thought it would be fun to have an on-line (general, all purpose) journal also. It started out as a way to chronolize my locking journey but is growing to include musing and everyday "stuff".

daezhavoo's: Why? 'Cause she has my back, has proven to be a true friend, positive influence PERSONALLY in my life.

Natural hair websites: naani.com, dontdreadmylocks.com come to mind.

Natural hair books: Dreads (culturally informative); all books by L. Bonner because they are light, easy to digest, and the first books I read about locking, No Lye.

Natural Hair Magazines: Can't really think of any at this time. I guess I get so much information and schooling via the Yahoo Group - Lovin' Locks that I have not found it necessary to consult natural hair magazines.

Natural Hair Photo Galleries: noiredesignconcepts, naani, thierry baptiste

Okay, it's 6 in the a.m. I'm done! ;-)

Abena Abena said...
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Abena Abena said...

Thank you ladies (Aya, 1st1477, and lovinlocs)for particpating. Here are my answers:

1. Natural Hair Websites or Blogs--I would have to say Creyole's, Blaqs, and my own, Chosen Vessel. I love information, and I also love people who are real and share from their heart. All three blogs I feel are very informative and bring a warmth and realness to every post.

*Sorry but I had to pick my own as one of the blogs because I truly LOVE MY BLOG, look I am just being REAL :) Also, I continue to learn from the information I post on my own blog.....

2. Natural Hair Books- I actually have never read a natural hair book, so maybe I will get some ideas of a good one from this post :)

3. Natural Hair Magazines- Same as number 3, never read, but hope to get some insight and ideas from this post.

4. Natural Hair Photo Galleries- right now I have three- The Original Sisterlock Photo gallery on the official Sisterlock website, Thierry Baptiste, and Taylor Made, I actually have all of them in the link information of my blog if you want to check them out.

Sis. RJQueen10 said...

1) Creyole's and BlaqKofi blogs. I learned so much. These blog are visually appealing and very informative about each stage we will go throught in our own Sisterlocks experience. There is also depth to their blogspot. That is attractive to me.
RJQueen10 blog spot, it is through this self-Love experience that I am learning about me and loving me and loving my hair. I get to talk directly with God on a consistent and regular basis. I get the opportunity to glorify God. I get the chance to improve my writing skills. Finally, I get blessed to respond to the wonderful people who don't just visit my blog, but take time out of their own schedule and leave me a comment.

2. "Going Natural" by by Mireille Liong-A-Kong--Great natural haircare recipes inside, very informative and easy to read.
"Nice Dreads" By Lonnice Brittenum Bonner -- I gave a summary of this book on my blog at http://rjqueen10.blogspot.com/2007/03/nice-dreads-by-lonnice-brittenum-bonner.html (copy and paste link to get to my review--I think).
"A Tapestry of Dreams-- The Sisterlocks™ Book" by Dr. JoAnne Cornwell -- Everyone should own this! Wonderful picutes and the Sisterlocks™ story will bond you even deeper to you Sisterlocks™.

Currently I am reading several books (at the same time and I like them all)
"No Lye" by Tulani Kinard
"Let's Talk Hair" by Pamela Ferrell
"Hair Story -- Untangling The Roots of Black Hair in America" by Ayana D. Byrd and Lori L. Tharps
"Tenderheaded" by Juliette Harris
Reading is one of my hobbies...

3) I don't have an answer for this yet.

4) I don't have an answer for this yet, either.

Sis. RJQueen10

Abena Abena said...


Thanks for sharing this great information. You are an avid reader, that is awesome. I love to read also, and I am really into Christian Fiction right now. There are some great Christian writers (Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Stacy Hawkins etc.).

Anonymous said...

!. favorite blogs: afunkykindaglow, cluizel, brunsli, to name a few. No real favorite hair websites.

2.Books: Dreads was a great read... I forget the title of the other one I read... it chronicles the history of black hair care in America.

3. I Like Naturally You! magazine...

4. I think the best and most useful photo galleries are of those of us who are going through the process. They're real, unedited, and show the beautiful and not-so-beautiful-yet. :) For great hairdos that I may be able to wear one day, I like renaissancehairtopia.com


Abena Abena said...

Thanks for your input Sunsail :)