One reason I like doing different types of surveys is because I think they are beneficial for the locked community. Information is power and I have learned so much from the many comments on my blog on how to care for my locks and how to address some of my hair issues like my "runaway hair line."
I love to learn and I really love to share the knowledge with other sisters and brothers so that we can all be empowered to make good "hair decisions." So I would really be grateful if you all shared your experiences with all of us.
1. Since you have been locked, what are some of the "minor" or "major" hair issues you have been dealing with?
2. How have you resolved the problem or how are you resolving the problem? If you have methods, products etc. that are working for you, please share.
This post is not at all meant to discourage anyone from getting locks, its primary purpose is to inform and prepare all of us so that we can have a positive hair experience. Our hair is far from being "problem free," no matter how we are wearing it, but from my experience, since being locked, for the first time I can actually say, I LOVE MY HAIR and I have had less problems with it. I must admit, when I was permed I began to detest my permed hair and all of it's expensive problems, but with Sisterlocks I can shout glory HALLELUJAH I AM FREE !!!!!!
Thank you in advance for your input!
Chosen Vessel
1. Since you have been locked, what are some of the "minor" or "major" hair issues you have been dealing with? 2. How have you resolved the problem or how are you resolving the problem? If you have methods, products etc. that are working for you, please share.
Minor issues that can become major with my locks is lint and other tiny particals that gets trapped in the locks. I have been locked now for just under 6 1/2 years and until this past winter never had a problem with lint. This year for some reason my locks took in all the particals it could find... lol, so I just took heed to this happening and learn to watch daily for anything that may have gotten into my hair. Also, as I age my hair is thinning (I've always had thin hair) but my consultant assures me my hair is very healthy and agree with me to retighten every 6 wks instead of 8 weeks, but other that these things I really have had a wonderful experience with my locks from day one. I feel so much freedom in being who I am.
minor issues...rinsing the soap out, dandruff under the locks,sore scalp
no major
A key is the mental has tobe ready for this trip. I definitely crossed over to locks at the right time. My washing/detangling sessions had expanded to 3-4 hours and it was just not enjoyable being natural anymore. When I locked I was good, tired and ready. I truely am at peace and could care less if I ever detangle again.
Major?? No major issues for me. This is the best hair decision I ever made and I have no regrets what so ever!!!
1) I hated the shrinkage earlier on. Thank goodness it's only a pain in the you know what for about the 1st year. Keeping the locks stretched and separated does help to cope.
2) Dandruff and itching. I refuse to use heavy oils and such. But the SL Reconstructor every 2-3 months helps me out the most. I also use leave in conditioner by Carols Daughter to cope as well. ACV rinse helps a bit too.
3) Self-retightening. Can't say I'm really looking forward to it.
But if I do it a few times and let my consultant do it a few times
a year then it shouldn't be so bad.
4) Locks matting together. Keep them separated, keep them separated.
Thanks ladies (Valerie,cheleskilove, and goodnapps) for your input, I really appreciate you taking the time to do the survey.
For me:
1. No major problems, very minor. The damage to my hair line was actually caused by my hair being braided so much before I had locks. So the minor issues related to sisterlocks:
*In the first year, dandruff (but ended after the first year).
*White bulbs throughout my locks, "I really hate this!"
*Stray hairs throughout my locks.
2. I started using Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Oil and lock butter and that really helped with the dandruff. I also made sure my hair was fully washed and conditioned. Regarding the white bulbs, I have no idea how to deal with that...does anyone have any suggestions??? Does anyone else have the white bulbs? Finally, the stray hairs, I was told that a grooming would help so I am going to schedule one with my consultant.
Well that is it for me :) I am very happy with my locks and I feel that getting Sisterlocks was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Locked 3 years 9 months
1. The issue I faced was weak points along the shaft of my sisterlocks. This could have been due to differing tensions/techniques between those working on my hair, a now broken habit of wringing my wet hair after washing (shame on me), or the chemical damage of hair color that I cannot stay away from for long.
I also had a problem with what I found out was shampoo residue in my locks.
2. I solved the problem by letting a master consultant fix as many as possible, learning to troubleshoot myself, and trimming some of the locks when necessary. I also made the decision to darken my hair so I wouldn't color it as frequently.
I solved the shampoo problem by switching to a 'clear' shampoo and occasionally soaking my locks in apple cider vinegar. I would like to find a no-poo formula though to completely eliminate the problem.
Thank you for your input :)
I don't know if my locks are experiencing major or minor problems but now that I am 23 months I have found that I have lint in my hair which I didn't have before which is different for me...I also have bunching that just won't stop...when I wash I make sure I seperate the locks and stretch them like I was told, but I still have bunching. Any suggestions...
Although, I do not have anything to add because I am a newbie. I am enjoying and learning from the existing comments. Thanks for sharing your experiences. They help newbies like myself!
Cherie- Thanks for your input.....I have no suggestions on how to deal with bunching, but I know Creyole talks about how she has had to deal with bunching so you may want to shoot her an email (creyole@gmail.com).
Dreamangel- Thanks for your comment and I am glad this information is helpful :)
1. Since you have been locked, what are some of the "minor" or "major" hair issues you have been dealing with? *I've been locked for 6 months. The only "minor" issues I have dealt with would be unraveling in the front, lint, and finding the right products.
2. How have you resolved the problem or how are you resolving the problem? If you have methods, products etc. that are working for you, please share. *Well the unraveling is going to happen anyway. For the lint, I tie my hair down every night. I also pick out the ones that have not intertwined with my hair. For products, I've settled on the Jamaican Mango & Lime line. So far it has really helped.
Major issues was getting my husband to see the beauty of a woman with locks. We had some dark times in the beginning. Minor was just waiting for it to LOCK UP.. Some areas seemed to take for ever, but with patience, it happened. The problems are resolved now, since hubby backed off a bit and I'm all locked up (Except my kitchen is still loose, but napping up and matting now.) So it's all good..
Thank you ladies for your input, Kimberly and Jen.
I'm still quite new to SLs, and thank God, I haven't had any major issues, because I follow my SL consultant's instructions. Minor issues, I think, would include unravelling along my hairline, where the hair is softer and of a different texture, but that doesn't bother me at all; trying to be patient as my locks mature; hating it when people ask me when I'm going to pull them out, which tells me they don't realise they're really locks; and experiencing shrinkage when I shampoo my locks and leave them to air dry, after loosening the plaits. I guess that's due to the type of hair I have. My consultant told me that I can rollerset or plait my locks to stretch them in order to combat the shrinkage. I just wonder if the shrinkage will be an ongoing issue or if it'll disappear with time as my locks mature. Otherwise, I'm happy.
N'Drea- thanks for your input :) I am glad you are enjoying your locks!
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