A Good Read That I Borrowed From the Lock-it-up Group
What every locker should know: LOCKING TIPS:
No matter how you started your locks, texture, length, or stage of your journey- remember that these tips should apply to all lock wearers...
~Locking is about patience, so it is a long term commitment that might last 2 years or more for the locking to be complete. Be 100% sure that this is the step you want to take.
~Your hair (no matter what texture) will frizz during the process. Know that this is a normal process -all lockers will have to go through this experience so relax and don't stress!
~For people with looser curl textures or naturally straight hair, accept that frizz might always be part of the locking process.
~Love those bumps! It adds character to your locks.
~It seems no 2 people with afro hair has the same texture, naturally your locks will look different.
~There might be times when you are feeling impatient, stressed, bored and negative about your choice in locking -don't worry, this is very normal -especially during the teenage phases when locks have their own mind. Take a deep breath and remember that this time will pass. Enjoy the journey, don't waste time on stressing over it!
~Be prepared to learn a few lessons on the way and throw out your old perceptions of beauty.
~Keep a lock journal to remind your Self how far you have come!
~Collect headwear and experiment.
~Your locs are unique and beautiful. No one else's locks will be the same as yours so don't compare your locs, just love and accept what you have.
~Use products that are light so there won't be any product build-up in future.
~If at any stage you are uncomfortable with what your locktician is doing to your locks, don't be afraid to be very clear and let them know or change lockticians. Go with your instincts! They are your locks and you know whats best for them, so don't let others tell you otherwise. Your locktician should work with you, not against you.
~NEVER use any products that contain mineral oil and petroleum as their ingredients.
~Locking should not be an uncomfortable or unhygienic experience. Wash your locks regularly and always keep them clean.
~Water is your best friend throughout the locking stages.
~Healthy body, healthy locks.
~Use minimal of products to avoid build-up.
~If you're concerned about how the locks will look early on and/or that your loved ones will reject you if you decide to lock, then you shouldn't be considering them.
~Be willing to accept any and all stages of lockdom, including the negative reactions you may receive from family, friends, and strangers.
~You are not alone - get support from good friends or other means (forums are great for this!).
~There is a wide spectrum of locking techniques and methods, from the super cultivated locks to the super organic lock methods. Each are beautiful in their own right and no method of locking should be seen as 'more acceptable' or 'more beautiful' than the other.
Hey Chosen,
This is great advice for the newbies and I gained some knowledge too. I was always so curious on how my locks would look, still do at times. So I wished I would have knew in the beginning that evey head is different so no use in wondering !
I love that everyone looks different that is why I love them so much.
Just enjoy the ride....
Great advice
Thank you Chosen. i just recently did a big chop and on monday of this week I jumped into the sisterlock waters, after 14 yrs of traditional locks. You would think I'd be prepared for the process and in part I am, but still I fell victim to "I want my sisterlocks to look like hers" I showed my consultant soo many pictures prior to Monday, that my husband said one more picture and your consultant will run out the salon screaming lol....Thank you for being beautiful and I loved your blog "God's not mad at you"!!!!
I loved this article...What rings true for me is that I am the lone locker in my family and amongst my friends but I didn't experience that much negativity in the beginning but now I am at 27 months, I get nothing but mad comments and it is so enlightening..It makes me feel that I DID make the right decision. It was sort of errie because I did not know anyone personally with locs but because of my choice, I have found a wonderful group of sisters to share my world with.( I am the eldest and only girl, so having more sisters is WONDERFUL:)
Right on and spoken like a true lock diva!
Thanks for sharing the info it is really helpful. It also help me feel better as I have been feeling down about my hair lately but I'm starting to turn around.
I appreciate this article, and agree with Sogolocs. It's great advice for newly locked persons and for those struggling with criticisms of their locks, as well as with being patient.
I am glad that this has been helpful to all of you, I too, found it very informative and helpful :)
Happy Locking!
BTW- Mama C, I am happy to hear that you also enjoyed the devotional, "God is not made at you :)"
Great post! I particularly like this statement: "If you're concerned about how the locks will look early on and/or that your loved ones will reject you if you decide to lock, then you shouldn't be considering them."
ITA 100%!
Malaikablu- Thanks for stopping by I am glad you enjoyed the post, I found it very enlightening.
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