{Photo of me and my godmommy taken last week}
1. How often do you get your hair retightened? (or if you do it yourself, how often)
2. How long does your retighten take?
Answers for me:
1. Every 6 weeks my loctician retightens my hair.
2. It takes 2- 2 1/2 hours each time, yesterday it was 2 hours (she is the fastest in the WEST)!

1. How often do you get your hair retightened? (or if you do it yourself, how often)
2. How long does your retighten take?
Answers for me:
1. Every 6 weeks my loctician retightens my hair.
2. It takes 2- 2 1/2 hours each time, yesterday it was 2 hours (she is the fastest in the WEST)!
P.S. I have about 440 locks.
I get my locks retightened every 6 weeks by my Sisterlocks consultant.
It takes her about 2 hours.
I retighten my own hair every 5 weeks. I just did so last night and it took a little under 3 hours.
i retighten my own hair every 5-6 weeks, God-willing. it takes me about 4 hours to do @ 550 locks.
I retighten my own hair about once a month - twice if needed (depending upon my activities).
It usually takes me anywhere from 3 - 4 hours.
I'm still in the beginning stages of being locked at 2 months old so I usually last 2 to three months and my retightening takes a couple of hours by my loctician.
I retighten my own hair depends on when the children will let me, lol. Most of the time every 4-5 weeks.
I really don't have an accurate time. Because I am just beggining and every time gets shorter and shorter but the last time I did it it took me about 10 hours and I waited 8 weeks(won't do that again) I'm sure the next time will be shorter. From everyone else's answer I'm a slow poke! Anyhow sorry I rambled on, I know you probably wanted a straight answer. Anyhow have a goodn one.
1. How often do you get your hair retightened? (or if you do it yourself, how often)
I do my own hair. It varies: maybe every week or every 2 or 3 weeks.
2. How long does your retighten take?
HOURS!!!! If I just wring my hair and get under the dryer and do nothing else to it then it only takes an hour or however long I feel like sitting under the dryer. If I actually retighten my roots it can take 2 or more hours.
I retighten every 7-8 weeks. Depending on the consultant, 4-6 hours. Two hours?? I wish!!!
If I retighten myself - Lawd have mercy. So far at least 20.
I have mine retightended every 7-8 weeks and it takes about 5 hours with around 490 locks. I would really like to meet these loctitions who can do it in 2 hours. Wow!
I retightening myself. I usually do every 5 weeks but I am moving to constant retightening like Dr. C. It currently takes me about 4 days. I part in fours and work a section a night while I watch t.v.
I get my locks retightened every 4-5 weeks.
It takes about 3 to 4 hours.
I prefer to have my hair retightened every 4 weeks, since my hair grows like wildflowers. Lately it's been about every 6-7 weeks in between appts. (since I've been doing a lot of traveling these days) and taking between 3.5 and 4 hours each time. So, I always bring work with me, and boy do I get lots done. :)
1. Every 8 weeks
2. 3.5 - 4 hours
I get my hair retightened every 6 weeks. I have gone as long as 8 Weeks but, felt I had too much new growth.
It takes just under 2 hours. I know she's fast but, I think people who take over 4 hours for the same number of locks are slow (unless they are doing their own hair).
4 hours does seem a bit long for a retightening done by a consultant but the number of locks probably makes a big difference and there seems to be a pretty sizable variation among SL wearers. I've seen any where from 350-500+.
The 3 hrs that I posted earlier was for 372 or 382 locks... it's been a while since I counted and I can't remember for sure. When I was going to a consultant it took her right around an hour and a half to retighten.
For those new to DIY, trust me the process does get easier and faster. The first few times it took FORever for me to finish so I started doing a quarter of my head at a time. The other night was the first time in a long time that I did my whole head at once and that only happened because I sat down long enough to watch the NH debates.
I get my locks retighten about every 6-8 weeks.
It takes 2 1/2 hrs each time
I get my locks tighten every 6 weeks. It takes about 3 hours and I have 378 +/- locks.
My consultant retightens my hair every 5 to 6 weeks. Usually it takes 3 hours no more than 3 1/2. I have over 500 locks.
I get mine retightened every 6 weeks. It takes her about 2 1/2 or 3 hours. I haven't counted my locks yet, lol.
Great input!!! The first thing I noticed is there are alot of Locticians that have great speed :)
BTW- my hat goes off to those of you who retighten your own hair, that is amazing!!!! I think I want to take the class just to learn how to maintain my edges because after 4 1/2 years I still have edges that are not locked (umph).
I have to re-tighten my locs every four to five weeks. It takes me about five to six hours (sometimes less/sometimes more), and I stretch it out over a few days.
I am hopeful I can return to consultant days very soon. My consultant in California took about an hour and a half.
I get my locks retightened every 6 weeks. It takes 2 1/2 to 3 hours to do around 570 locks. Sometimes I will tighten half of my head and let my loctician do the other half.
I'm fairly new to sisterlocks, having only gotten my installed this past December. I have a pretty thick head of hair and approximately 400 locks. I've had one retightening and it only took an hour, but my consultant is extremely fast. She did my initial install in 12 hours, and as I mentioned before I have fairly thick hair.
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