Right now, my only concern is getting my hairline to cooperate. Since I wore braids for so long before locks it thinned out my hair line, so I am trying to restore it. At Cherie's suggestion, I have been using Organic Root Stimulator Fertilizing Temple Balm, so we will see what happens, I am hopeful. It says it takes 8-12 weeks to see the results and I have only been using it for about 2 weeks and I have been faithtful, two times a day. Once my hairline starts to act right, I will have no complaints, for now (smile).

Here are a couple of photo's I took of myself before going to work this morning. I did a roller-set last week, so this is about a 10 day old roller set. Since my hair has grown so much, the roller-set doesn't make it to two weeks anymore:( As you can see this probably looks more like free-style, since the curls are gone, gone, gone.
Life update: I will be vacationing in North Carolina in about 2 weeks and I am overly excited. My best friend/sister moved there almost two years ago and I went through a depression, we are so close, we believe we are supernatural twins. Second to my husband, she knows me better than anyone, I believe even my mother, even though I don't think my mother would agree. I have never been to NC, but aside from my BFF I have heard great things about it. On the pet note, I have decided not to get a dog, just too much work. I am already trying to juggle too many things, and it would not be fair to the little pup. I thought about getting birds, but my BFF got two back to back and they did not make it so I decided not to go that route......

In a previous post I posed questions to moms and asked what you liked about motherhood and I got an overwhelmingly positive response. I am hoping when it does happen, I would like twins (one boy, one girl--runs in the family), so we will see what happens or better yet, see what God does.
**If you mommy's don't mind, since some of you did not get a chance to respond to my previous post, would you mind telling me what you like about motherhood and offer any advice?
Abena {Favored Grace}
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the (my) womb is a reward.
Psalm 127:3
* The Lord remebered me {Abena}................
I have two daughters. One 20 and one 15. Girls are talkers, they ask a lot of questions. They also can be your best friend if you allow them to express themselves. Always listen to them before you give your advice and remember that you will most definately have to tell them the right thing to do more than once. Most likely more than mmmm....10 times. LOL! Like my Mom used to tell me, it may seem like they don't hear you but keep telling them and it WILL stick. May God bless you on becoming a new mom.
Well on the hair update, your locks always look so fab to me.
Congratulations on the upcoming 5 year mark.
Have fun in NC. I have not been there to visit and I hear it's a wonderful state to see. But then again, I guess they all are!
It's been while since I updated as well, but I keep my fotki updated, seems to be a lot easier (http://fotki.com/nappyoleme). Anyway, your hair looks fabulous! I can't wait to get to my 5 year mark.
As far as children, well, that's one of the reasons that I haven't updated in a while. I had a baby 9 months ago and I will tell you that it keeps me quite busy, not to mention having a 17 year old as well as a husband!!! Anyway, I believe that children are the best Gift next to Jesus that God could have given us. Just to see my son and my daughter smile at me confirms that God is an awesome God. It is also an unconditional love that a mother and child share. I look forward to every morning seeing my children and in the evening I'm even more excited after a long day at work. Just watching them eases the stress of the day.
I am no expert on being a Mother, but the three important things that I learned from my mother was to be 100% faithful to my kids. Meaning always be there for them. Don't lie to them, always be honest. If you don't have the money for that toy, let them know. If possible, get it for them later, but NEVER break a promise to your child. The second thing I learned is to always listen to your children and let them express themselves. This is especially important when those teen years come around. There is so much negative in this world, it just seems to attract those teenagers. Give them space to express themself there is so much more going on than when I was an innocent teen in the 80s. Last and certainly not least - be a PRAYING MOTHER!! We all know the power of a prayn' mother!
I hope this helps you prepare for Motherhood. I will be praying for you and that you will be able to get pregnant soon. I can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. What encouragement and awesome insigiht and advice. Believe me, I am making a mental note of everything.
Thanks for taking the time to share your hearts with me.
BTW- thanks for the compliments on my hair as well :)
I think I remember that post. :) You are going to make a wonderful mommy.. You already have some wonderful qualities that I am sure will flourish in due time: being nurturing, sensitive to others needs and feelings, etc. I have been constantly praying for you lately more than usual and didn't know why. I know now !!!Every bit of nappy ole me's advice is the truth, honey... I am constantly praying for my mini me. Consciously and Unconsciously.
Please keep us posted on your experience with the temple balm from Organic Root Stimulator....I know God will bless you and your husband richly with the gift of life that you so much want...
Cherie- I will let you know how it goes with the Temple Balm, I have been using it for about a month now.
Jenn- Thanks girl for everything especially praying, because the enemy has been busy-busy-busy. So I appreciate your continued prayers. God put me on your heart, believe that!!!!
i love the unconditional hugs.
i hate the selfishness of little people
congrats girl.....4 years wow...it seems like yesterday you turned 2
Girl, you are too funny :)
I love your blog, today is my first visit. It's very pretty and your snags are lovely! I got a lot of inspiration from it.
Being a mom turns you inside out - you become the person you never knew you could be.
The best part? That's tough, there are so many wonderful things about it. Probably knowing you played a role in manifesting God's word - that life should continue. Also, the hugs and kisses are completely delightful.
The worst part? When your child's feelings are hurt - yours will be too. It's a most humbling experience.
Please stop by and visit me sometime at: http://lockedbloomingorchid.blogspot.com/.
Peace & Blessings to you!
I love your blog, today is my first visit. It's very pretty and your snags are lovely! I got a lot of inspiration from it.
Being a mom turns you inside out - you become the person you never knew you could be.
The best part? That's tough, there are so many wonderful things about it. Probably knowing you played a role in manifesting God's word - that life should continue. Also, the hugs and kisses are completely delightful.
The worst part? When your child's feelings are hurt - yours will be too. It's a most humbling experience.
Please stop by and visit me sometime at: http://lockedbloomingorchid.blogspot.com/.
Peace & Blessings to you!
Blooming Orchid- Thank you for sharing your heart with me :)
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