A: Sisterlocks™ is a natural locking hair management system that allows women with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.
Q: What are Brotherlocks?
A: Brotherlocks is a natural hair locking management system that allows men with tightly textured hair to take advantage of natural hairstyles without having to alter their natural hair. Brotherlocks is a modification of Sisterlocks.
Q: Does this mean that once I get Sisterlocks, I can still change my hairstyles?
A: Yes! Sisterlocks is a lot less limiting than extensions, because it's your own natural hair. You can curl it, braid it, wear a ponytail, cut it, spray or mousse it, wear bangs, and parts, you name it!
Q: Can I wash my Sisterlocks?
A: Yes. Your Sisterlocks should be washed at least once a week.
Q: Do I have to stop washing my hair for a long time before getting Sisterlocks done?
A: No, actually you should wash your hair with a residue free shampoo right before getting Sisterlocks and let your hair air dry.
Q: How often should I wash my Sisterlocks?
A: As long as you wash your Sisterlocks at least once a week, you should be fine.
Q: Do I have to use a different shampoo when I have Sisterlocks?
A: Yes, you will need to use a shampoo that helps the hair to loc and leaves no residue behind in your hair and removes residues that are in your hair. The reason for using this kind of shampoo is so important when you have locks, because locks like to hold stuff. When you have hair that is not locked the residues are free to fall out and fall out while you are brushing your hair. In comparison, hair that is locked, or locking the hair isn't free to let the residues fall out. So the residues begin to build up, and after a while they can cause the locks to mold. The residues also lubricate the hair, so the locks can't tighten as much as they can if there were no residue there.
Q: Can I get Sisterlocks if I have relaxed hair?
A: One of the great things about Sisterlocks is that you don't have to cut off your relaxer in order to start them. All you need is 1 1/2 inches of new growth at the scalp to start the locks. Then you can trim the relaxed ends gradually over time as your natural locks grow in. There are some things to watch for here though. For example, if you have a relaxer you know that when you let your natural hair grow in at the scalp you increase the chances of breakage. You need to take measures to protect the hair while you're letting the natural hair grow in. Some options during the transition period are: braided extensions; natural braided styles, frequent moisturizing and conditioning: always dampen the hair before combing through it; gently finger combing for detangling and styling. Once the locks are put in, work closely with your Consultant to ensure that the relaxed ends stay as smooth as possible during your transition into fully natural locks.
Q: Will Sisterlocks cause my hair to break or thin?
A: Just the opposite! Sisterlocks™ is a gentle technique that requires no chemicals, no excessive tightening, and causes no damaging abrasion to the hair or scalp. For best results, it is important that you work with a Certified/Trainee Sisterlocks™ Consultant that has been trained on the proper use of the Sisterlock techniques. You will find with regular care, and proper maintenance your hair will grow and grow and your styling options will increase.
Q: Are Sisterlocks permanent?
A: Because Sisterlocks allows the hair's natural interlocking process to unfold, they are true "locks". This means they are not meant to be undone. Technically, they can be taken out, but it is a long and tedious process, and it would be absurd to try, especially once the locks mature. (Imagine getting a small, needled shaped object and gently undoing each one of the small 400 plus locks from the tips down to the roots!) My rule of thumb, "As long as the potential client is worried about getting them out, I don't put them in to begin with."
Q: My Sisterlocks are shrinking, what is up with that?
A: It's normal for locks shrink right before they lock up. It means that all the hair in the locks is finally locking up. You will soon start to get your length back.
Q: What are the differences between, Sisterlocks, Traditional locks, and Dreadlocks or Dreads.
A: The differences between Sisterlocks/Brotherlocks, Traditional locks, and Dreadlocks or Dreads are the techniques used to form the locks , the look of the locks, the styling options, and in some cases, the shampooing process. Sisterlocks is the most cultivated form of locking that uses an interlocking technique of various locking patterns that works best with the clients natural curl pattern and hair texture, without the aid of waxes, gels, or heavy products, which can cause build-up in the hair. The client will began by using a residue free shampoo that keeps the hair clean and allows the hair to lock through the stages of coiling, encasement, and matting.
Q: How long will it take my hair to lock with Sisterlocks?
A: The time it takes the hair to lock with Sisterlocks depends on the hair texture, and also if the clients is following the recommended maintenance program. For these reasons, a consultation is necessary, by a Certified/Trainee Sisterlock Consultant. Your Consultant will examine your hair and provide you with information about Sisterlocks/Brotherlocks to help you pinpoint how long the process will take. Remember, this process is the most natural form of locking, be patient, and for best results, follow the maintenance process.
Q: Can I transition from traditional locks to Sisterlocks?
A: This is not recommended for many reasons: Here are some of them. The exquisite look of Sisterlocks is due in large part of the way they are started. The hair is sectioned according to pre-set patterns, and then parted into lock sizes that are based on density of the hair growth pattern, and the location of the head (i.e. usually smaller around the face). Parting for most traditional locking methods is not as detailed, and so won't produce the same results. When you change locking techniques within a single lock, for example going from a twisting method to a Sisterlocks method, you create a venerable area at the transition point. This weak area will tend to open up over time, exposing individual strands of hair that are prone to breakage
Information retrieved from: http://www.naturallyuniquelocks.net/
Hey Chosen! Is this a new look for your blog or am I out of the loop? Love the pink.
This is a new look, I just changed it last week :) You are still in the LOOP (smile).
Thanks...I have been on a PINK kick for a while now. I love purple also.
wow, i found you again. hey girl! nice blog!
Hey girl, how are you?
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