Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie- LOVE IT!!!! I have been looking for a good deep conditioner and I found it in the Tui Hair Smoothie, and of course it smells WON-DER-FUL!
Carol's Daughter has done it again with the Mimosa Hair Honey- LOVE IT!!!!! This is a great replacement for hair grease. It is light, smells good, and doesn't leave your hair greasy.

An accidental find. I was in Target looking for some hair mist while waiting for my Carol's Daughter order to come in, and I had no idea that Fantasia made this Hair Polisher Mist. As you know, I use the Fanstasia 100 % Pure Tea Shampoo and I LOVE IT, so this is an added bonus.
This is a good back-up hair mist when I run out of my Carol's Daughter Tui Jojoba & Shea Butter Hair Sheen, but my preference is still Carol's Daughter.

An accidental find. I was in Target looking for some hair mist while waiting for my Carol's Daughter order to come in, and I had no idea that Fantasia made this Hair Polisher Mist. As you know, I use the Fanstasia 100 % Pure Tea Shampoo and I LOVE IT, so this is an added bonus.
This is a good back-up hair mist when I run out of my Carol's Daughter Tui Jojoba & Shea Butter Hair Sheen, but my preference is still Carol's Daughter.
Hi Chosen
I thought it was about time that i said hi. I've been stalking your blog for a while now and to be truthfully honest i was in two minds as to which type of locks to have, but after reading your blog and seeing the transformation of your hair i decided that Sl's is what i wanted. We haven't got the same hair type (well i don't think so)but the beauty of your hair left me mesmerised (and jealous lol) I am now a newbie and have been locked sine July 23, 24 &25.
Thanks for all the info on hair products (unfortunately they don't sell half of them in the UK) but it good info non the less.
Stay Blessed
I use the Fantasia styling mousse when I roller set and do my braidouts... :) But I am like you. I have fallen in love with just about every Carol's Daughter product I have used thus far !!!! Let me know how the moisturizer turns out !!!
I'm glad that you liked the products, now oyu give me the confidence to go ahead and try them because I want to try those same products. Did you ever find anything that helped with your hairline? Just curious cause I need help with mine as well.
By the way Happy 5 years your hair looks amazing!
Ezme- thank you for saying hi :) I am so happy that my blog helped you make a decision to get Sisterlocks, that is such an inspiration to know that(smile), welcome to the Sisterlock Family :) I will check your blog out.
Jenn- Hmmm...Fantasia styling mousse, ok, now you know I am going to go out and get some of that, because I love your braid- outs, they look so good in your photo's. I have never put anything on my hair for my braid-outs or roller-sets, so it would be a nice change.
Sistalocd- Yes, try them girl, and let me know what you think. And as far as my hair line, I have been using Organic Root Stimulater Temple Balm and it is working really well, I am actually pleasantly surprised at how well it is working.
I think I have tried that one but I wasn't consistent so maybe I should try it again, I don't know
Hey just wanted you to know that I changed my name from Sistalocd to Brown Buttahfly which in turned changed my link address. So when ever you can just update it on your link list.
New name is brownbuttahfly and new link address
take care
Alright then brownbuttahfly :)
Hi! You've been quoted for "Best Product for Your Hair:Tui Hair Smoothie". Thank you for sharing your opinion on this product!
Thanks for this :)
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