Introducing: Taylor Made Locks
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Meet Taylor
*This is one of the first websites I found over 5 years ago when I was considering Sisterlocks. It was very helpful and still is. I hope you find it helpful as well.
*This is one of the first websites I found over 5 years ago when I was considering Sisterlocks. It was very helpful and still is. I hope you find it helpful as well.
What a great idea. Thanks for sharing! I can see why seeing her hair helped you to make the decision to get sisterlocks.
I am looking forward to the weekly updates. It is great that your keeping us informed. I noticed Taylor's locks from the beginning too.
Allecia- I am glad you like it :)
Sonia- Hey you, I have missed corresponding with you :) But hopefully I am back and in full affect.
I am happy you posted Taylor. I have spoken with her personally and love her spirit and business savvy. Her locks are so very long and well kempt.
Thanks for weekly posts to look forward to and Taylor's locks and mad pretty
Sophia and Bougie- You are welcome :)
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