Q: What is Sisterlocks™
A: Sisterlocks™ is a natural hair management system that allows women with tightly textured hair to
take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.
Q: Does this mean that once I get Sisterlocks™, I can still change hairstyles?
A: Yes! Sisterlocks™ is a lot less limiting than extensions because it is your natural hair. You can curl it,
braid it, wear a ponytail, cut it, spray or mousse it, wear bangs and parts - You name it!
Q: How long does it take to do?
A: The initial locking process takes about 2/3 as long as getting extensions of comparable size. Other
factors that will affect the length of the initial locking session are: hair length, density, condition, size of
head and lock size desired. The beauty of Sisterlocks™ is that re-tightening them as your hair grows
out is extremely simple, since there are no extensions to remove and reset.
Q: Will Sisterlocks™ cause my hair to break or thin?
A: Just the opposite! Sisterlocks™ is a gentle technique that requires no chemicals, no excessive
tightening, and causes no damaging abrasion to the hair or scalp. You will find that with regular care,
your locks will grow and grow, and your styling options will increase.
Q: Can I get Sisterlocks™ if I have relaxed hair?
A: Yes, though the transition will take more time. Your hair care professional who is trained in
Sisterlocks™ techniques can help you make that transition. Your styling options will increase as your
natural texture grows out.
Q: Do I need to have 'fine' hair for Sisterlocks™ to work?
A: Not at all!! In fact, the course, thick, 'nappy' hair is best for Sisterlocks™. Your natural abundant
texture adds body and makes styling easier.
Q: Can Sisterlocks™ be taken out?
A: Yes, though the procedure is tedious. Anyway, once you discover the range of freedom with
Sisterlocks™ you won't want to go back! Finally, there is a way of celebrating the natural beauty of our
hair with Sisterlocks™.
Q: Can I do the locks myself?
A: This is not advised. Not all types require the same locking technique, and your hair care
professional is the best trained to give you locks that will be best suited to you. Also, hair care
professionals are trained to give you cuts, styles and grooming tips that will ensure the lasting beauty
of your locks.
Q: Can you put my Sisterlocks™ in so that there won't be any parting?
A: The answer is no. With a fresh head of Sisterlocks™ you are going to see some parting. Even if the
client has very thick hair, there will still be some parting.
Q: How long will it take for the partings to fill in?
A: It depends on the rate that your hair grows. Usually within the first three weeks or after your first
shampoo you will notice your partings filling in. Thinner hair takes a little while longer.
Q: Exactly what is meant by filling in?
A: Filling in is the process where your hair starts to grow and your locks start to expand.
Q: Why do some clients' Sisterlocks™ look silky or shining and others look dry and more like traditional
A: Each hair texture is different. As you know, we as black people are comprised of many textures and
tones. And that's also true for our hair. When looking at a client, you may be looking at someone with a
straighter texture of hair, or you may be looking at a client that is transitioning from relaxed hair. In any
of these cases their hair is going to have a different look than a person with more kinky hair.
Regardless, once the locks have set in and the relaxed ends are cut off, they too will have a more
traditional lock look.
Q: What about coloring the Sisterlocks™?
A: I recommend coloring your locks once they are set in or well on their way. This is because if you color
your hair before your hair is locked you will run into trouble trying to touch up your color while your locks
are settling. For example, when coloring your hair you must make sure that all of the color is out. This
means numerous shampoos. The more you shampoo your locks the looser they will become. This
means that when you go for your re-tightening you will have very loose locks and even some that may
have come down. If this is so, your re-tightening will take more time and cost more money.
Q: How will Sisterlocks™ do on thinning hair?
A: I've found that on my clients with thinning hair, it has been the best. In most cases the Sisterlocks™
have covered the thinning areas greatly. Even in those situations where there is permanent hair loss,
the Sisterlocks™, being the small sizes that they are, give the illusion of fullness.
Q: When my Sisterlocks™ were put in, my hair was longer, now it appears to have drawn up. Why is
A: Different hair textures react in different ways. Even though you have Sisterlocks™, you still have
locks. Regardless of what type of hair locking system you have, one fact holds true for one, the bulbing
stage. This is the stage where the DNA of your locks swells together to form the locks and then relaxes.
Another way to explain it is like baking a cake. When you put your cake in the oven to bake, it swells
while the mix is cooking. When it's done, the swelling is gone and you have the size of your cake. Well
it's the same thing with your hair.
Q: I've heard that I can use curling irons on my locks, do you recommend this?
A: I don't. When you apply heat you run the risk of ruining your locks. I've had clients that used curling
irons on their locks and actually singed their locks. The irons were too hot and they ended up with a
press. Even after they shampooed their hair the straightness was still there. I find that a roller set is the
best for locks. You can wear a roller set for one to two weeks without re-rolling your hair again. Even
though they are smaller locks, they are still locks.
Click here for Sisterlocks™ Maintenance Tips
Information from: http://www.godgivenbeauty.com/slfaq.html
Embrace your God Given Beauty...
1554-A Union Road, Suite 104, Gastonia NC 28054 Call 704.865.1228 for FREE Consultation