I am finally ready to color my hair but I need to hear from those of you who have colored your locks.......what coloring products works best with locks? I have dark hair, my natural color is jet black, so I have colored in the past and the color did not take, so I also need something that will take. Finally, I do not want anything that is harsh on the hair (ammonia, peroxide etc.). I did try the Dark and Lovely Reviving colors Ebone Brown, but it did not take, I was so disappointed :( That is why I need your help. Below are some of the products I am considering. I had a locktician tell me that Clairols Textures & Tones is the best product, and I went searching for it and could not find it anywhere. Any suggestions??????
I was on Blaq's blog and I got a lot of great information. (Thanks Blaq for taking the time to post about coloring) By the way, your color looks BEA-U-T-I-FUL!!!

Hey Chosen Vessel,
I didn't see where you wrote anything about your possibility of considering using Henna. I was told by my Auntie that is a licensed cosmetologist that it can really take your hair out. She said it happened to her, but of course she has a relaxer, which of course can alter its outcome. We had this discussion about henna nearly a month ago. Her hair is absolutely beautiful. It comes to the middle of her back. She has always taken very good care of her hair. She is also a great supporter of natural hair and loves Sisterlocks. I just wanted you to know about her experience with Henna. She also recommends Jazzing rinses, by Revlon and sitting under the hair dryer. I saw that you mentioned your hair has a hard time taking color. Maybe this will be a good "trial" decision. No matter what I know that your Sisterlocks will look absolutely gorgeous!
Take Care... always with prayer.
Lock On!
Lady Butterfly
Lady Butterfly- Thanks sis, this is some great information :) I used Jazzing when I had a perm, so I may consider taking that route just to be safe to start off (smile).
Hey there! I’ve heard good things about Clairol Textures & Tones as well; specifically that it’s a lower grade color system which should reduce drying out your SL's and breakage. It doesn’t have ammonia but does contain peroxide, which I don’t think you can avoid having a naturally dark shade of hair. I haven’t used it yet because I can’t decide on a shade. I bought light golden brown, bronze, and honey blonde, but I’m back and forth on which one to go with. You can view all of the shades here http://www.clairol.com/buy_it_now/product_locator.jsp. Is there a Sally’s Beauty Supply store or Walgreens drug store in your area? They sell this product. They’re also available for purchase on Drugstore.com. I recommend doing a color test on one of your locs first to see how the color turns out. Have a black rinse handy in case you dont like it. Hope this helps some. If I ever make up my mind on what I’m doing, I’ll be sure to post some pictures :-)
Tried to die my hair and it did not take the first time, so I am going to just leave it alone :(
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