(Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz for roller-sets, Organic Root Stimulator Herbal Cleanse "Dry Shampoo" to refreshen locks between washes, Fantasia IC P.M. Night Time Oil Treatments to strengthen and shine hair while you sleep, Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise for deep conditioning, and Fantasia Pure Tea Silky Gel Mosturizer).
If this product works well I may be willing to do more roller-sets now that I finally purchased a hair dryer BUT I will definitely be using bigger rollers because I love the roller-set look on my hair but with the regular size rollers it literally takes hours to roll my hair.
I am so looking forward to this product :) Something to refreshen my locks between washes seems so ideal.
This I tried only one night and my locks did feel noticebly lighter and softer in the morning, almost kind of fluffy. I will keep trying it and give you a more detailed assessment later :) 
I have been looking for a deep conditioner so I hope the hair mayonnaise works well.

I have tried this product already and I do like it. It is nice for the locks because it is almost a clear color so it doens't leave any white film and it does soften the locks and it doesn't make the locks look greasy. It is light and smells good.

I am really curious about Kinky Curly. I can't wait for an update.
Did the Fantasia moisturiser cause any buildup in your locks Abena?..I like it too and used it years ago when I had a perm.
Naturally Sophia- I was always curious now, but I finally tried it, check out my latest post.
Anonymous- The Fantasia moisteriser works well, and I don't have any buildup.
In that case i will probably give it a try for my locks too. I think you are really helpful to try these products for us and it is really appreciated!...I also think your locks look fab, Abena!!!
Sorry Abena, I was refering to the Fantasia moisturiser (I was originally "Anonymous" Lol.
Lisa-thank you, thank you, and one more thank you :) I am glad that this information is helpful.
Hey Abena, have you ever tried 100 percent virgin coconut oil?....I have just ordered a jar and will let you know how I get on with it on my locs!
Lisa- no I have never tried that please let me know how it works for your locks.
Abena, not only is it great on my locks as a conditioner...it is wonderful on my face and body!!!!!!...
Lisa, which product are you referring to? Because hair and body, that's what I'm talking about :)
Hi Abena, I was referring to the 100% coconut oil, lol....it's really wonderful on both my locks and skin. There are various internet sites with info about it eg.Essence of Eden.
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