1. Cost effective
2. I have always worn my hair natural and Sisterlocks was a great way to wear my hair natural and still have variety.
3. Easier to manange.
4. Religious reason.
5. My husband or boyfriend wanted me to get locks.
6. I no longer wanted perms however I still wanted the versatility to do a variety of things with my hair.
7. I was just tired of the perm for many reasons i.e. cost, concern of how chemicals would affect me, tired of going to the shop every week etc.
8. Other
Ladies, I would love to continue this Quiz and get your insight and input. As you all know I had to re-due my blog so I lost all of the old data.
Great insight Meikmeika..thanks.
For me #'s 1,3,6 & 7 apply.
It's definitely more cost effective and I save so much time not having to deal with my hair. Also, I was truly concerned about the harm that the chemicals in the perm could cause.
I started my Sisterlocks because I wanted a versatile natural hairstyle, that did not require the dryer, chemicals and that gave me freedom.
For me it is number 2 I have always worn my hair natural pretty much and SLs should give me ease and variety in taking care of my hair. I think SLs is revolutionary it has brought dreads to women of all ages; women who would have never considered locking their hair before. Its brilliant!
6,7,8 do it for me. To be natural and have the same versatility as the perm. That was a slam dunk decision for me. Plus I had just turned 30 and was going through a phase of reclaiming who I want to be from a beauty perspective.
Thanks for your input Tanya and Anonymous! It is great to see the variety of reasons why we all choose Sisterlcoks.
Why did I decide to get SisterLocks?
#2, #3, & # 8.
I have been following, stalking, lurking )or whatever you want to call it) since about 1993. I have been natural -- wearing individual braids since 1981. I think what took me so long was vanity. I did not think I could deal with the beginning stages. Well, since I have been SL'd it has not been a problem. I have been SL'd since 27 May 06. Please visit my blog. I have pictures of the products I use. www.1fantasticvoyage.blogspot.com
Thanks for the input many journeys...I will check your blog out and make sure I leave a comment :)
1. Cost effective
2. I have worn my hair natural for the last 5 years and Sisterlocks was a great way to wear my hair natural and still have variety.
3. Easier to manange.
4. To grow my hair long without the help of a weave, wig, or constant manipulation
Thanks Sony.
Usually I am long winded, but let me see if I can keep it short.
1) Our Pastor has been teaching us how what we are actually saying to God, when we try to alter, not enhance, ALTER his creation--ourselves. We are essential saying, "God you made a mistake". My God is perfect and does not make mistakes. So although I did not have the courage for a radical change, a progressive change has been occuring, until I get to the original finished product God made to be in the beginning.
2) I saw Creyole's hair and it is beautiful even after a hard workout. And I workout 4 days/week for a least 2 hours.
3) I never could really style my own hair. I did not like to go to beauty salon, because the "vibe" is not very Christian. I don't like the chemical perms.
4) I love my braids, but I could not do them for myself. Sisterlocks™, eventually I will able to maintain my own hair.
5) I just learned to love my AFRO, but the style does not survive my workouts too well, and if I take a nap...well let's just say it is not too, Too, TOO pretty anymore.
6) Okay here is my effort to keep this response short (although it might already be too late for this) #1, #2,#3, #4, #6, #7.
Sis. RJQueen10
Rjqueen, thanks...
1, 3, 6,7,8, ... I know I'm superlate, but I wanted to respond.
{I don't have SL, but after wearing my hair in locks for 8yrs, the numbers above are my reasons too!}
Take Care~
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