I want you all to meet Shanessence, who is new to the blogging world and soon to be Sisterlocked. I have been corresponding with her through email regarding her decision to get Sisterlocks. Wellll.........she has decided to join the Sisterlock Community and on February 26, 2007 she will have her Sisterlocks installed. "YAHOOOOOOO"
I talked to her about creating a blog and she was not sure if she wanted to at the time, but after long thought she has decided to start a blog, "I knew she would not be able to resist :)." Please check her blog out at: http://shanessence.blogspot.com/.
Show her some Sisterlock love!
Wow, Chosen, thanks sooooo much for showing me some love! You really helped me get over some of my anxiety about the whole process. That's what big sisters are for. ;) Thanks so much!
It is my pleasure. Please do not hesistate to continue to use me as a resource and because I don't know near everything, my blog should be a good tool for you with its abundant resources :)
welcome!!!! i'm off to your site......
thanks for showing me and my fam some love. i look forward to reading you "ethnic post"!
btw- your SLs are so cuuuute!
Thanks Ayankha and it was my pleasure :) And I probably do not have to say it, but your Sisterlocks are BEAU-TI-FUL!!
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