I need some input from my Sisterlock Family. As you can see by this photo I have a lot of locks and they are thick. I wanted to try to let them grow as long as they would but they are almost getting to heavy to wash myself. Today, after I washed my locks, I wanted to do a roller-set because I have not done one in months, but by the time I got to the top of my hair my arms were too tired to finish rolling my entire head so I braided the rest in individual braids. Now I am by no means complaining because I know that I am blessed to have such thick, healthy locks but I wanted to know for those of you who have long locks has the length caused more weight for your hair, especially when wet? Right now it is not a problem when it is dry, but it may be in the future because as it gets longer it seems to be getting fuller and thicker. Those that have long or thick locks, do you wash and style your hair yourself?
One of the main reasons I got locks is so that I can manage my own hair, but I don't know if I will be able to do that if I let it get any longer, but I really want it to be longer (can you say dilema)....I don't know what are you all experiencing?
Your hair really does look nice and thick. :)
I don't think my hair will ever get as long as yours, because I have a little scissor habit, but I know how you feel. Setting my hair is really tiring, and afterwards, I can hardly imagine trying to retighten my own hair. I still enjoy washing it myself, though it takes a long time to rinse. I've never had my locks professionally washed and set - that might be fun for a change.
Sorry, I have no advice, but I'll look out for your updates, just in case I stop cutting and end up in the same situation.
Brunsli- Oh my, I am with you, I could never ever dream of retightening my own hair. I did think about taking the class for the up-keep of my edges because some of them are still not locked because of my stubborn baby hair..umph....
Oh no! You all are scaring me. I have thick hair too but it's just barely brushing my shoulders at this time. I guess I better put together a good upper body strength work-out in preparation for my future "heavy hair".
So funny you would post this. I've whined of wanting length for so long that now it's staring to happen. Now I'm starting to whine about the washing. I said to my self, "what are you going to do when you get some 'real' length."
aka like Chosen's. This past washing I had to forego my beloved deep conditioning as I just couldn't deal with it.
But I love such dilemnas as they force you to be innovative or bear it.
First let me say your hair looks great. I wash and style (if you call what I do styling) myself. I have not rolled my hair since it was much closer to shoulder length. I will do a braid-out or a twist-out and knot the ends. If I want a really good crinkle I leave the braids in for several days. I do notice some weight to my hair when it is wet. When I cut my hair a couple of years ago I did notice a differenc in the weight. Also I cannot keep some updos in all day long. The hair has to be positioned just so for me to comfortably wear it up all day. my hair feel the lightest when it's loose and not confined in one place.
Oh! I should have mentioned -- Renea has a label on some of her posts called "fake problems." I love it!
Come to think of it, it's not so much the weight of my hair that bothers me, but the time it takes to dry. When I set it, I have to sit under the dryer for an hour, then sleep on it. Last time, I sat only half an hour and when I got up, I lost all my hard work because my hair was still wet.
It is heavier when wet, but for me, it's not such a problem because it's only wet for the length of time it takes to finish a wash. What is more and more annoying is setting it. I have to stretch my arms out as far as they will go to reach the ends. Consequently, I'm getting lazier and lazier about doing it.
Thank you all for the input, it really is helpful. I guess anything worth having is going to take some major work, and I am up for the task because I am going to let it grow longer because I really want to see the potential of my hair and if I get too tired, I can just, snip, snip (smile).
Thanks again....and to use the words of Tanya.....be innovative or bear it, I think I will be flipping back and forth between the two, but I think I am ok with that, until my next post--((((LAUGHS)))) :)
Hey Chosen Vessel...
I am a-ok with the length and like Brenda... it is the wet locs that soon will dry that are weighty to deal with...
Be blessed and keep doing what you do... we listened to the podcast last week... a blessing~
I think your hair is absolutly beautiful. I have taken the retightening course and do all the upkeep myself, unless I want to splurge, but when I did the consultant did my hair I found loops (uncompleted, and a few holes), oh sorry getting off topic. I have had SL's 3 years this December and when wet my hair is heavier but I love it, when it is humid out my hair is heavier, I LOVE that, I say go with the flow, you will have stronger neck muscles :-). Your hair is coming along so nicely through the years !
ok, 2 things: 1st, thank you for nice compliment on my color and 2nd, your hair is for real, gorgeous! newbies can't wait for length and "youngsters" (like me) can't wait for length like yours!
Ladies, thanks for the input, it was helpful :)
Jena- I am happy to hear that you were blessed, to God be the glory :)
Jamakared- I feel ya, and that is pretty much what I have been doing (smile)
knotsnlocks- your are welcome!!! I had considered dying on and off, but I think as of now, I will not do it unless I can find something with no chemicals. But I love seeing other people's locks with beautiful color.
they do get heavier over time even when they are micros. after 11 years i did the big chop in jan 2007. i just had more hair than i ever wanted or needed to manage. although, i cannot say that the length did not have much of an impact on my self-retightening time.
Greetings Sisters, My locs are very thick and hang to the middle of my back. I can honestly say that the weight of the locks is starting to wear on me because of the weight. I visit a chiropractor monthly for adjustments and he too has a concern due to the weight of my neck. I style my own hair and I found found relief by using Loc Ties to hold my hair up so my locs aren't getting stuck in my chair which caused my head to pull back at times. What's a girl to do. lol
Lona www.LonasOriginalCreations.com
Muslimahlocs- Thanks for the input. 11 years, WOW!!!!
Iona- Wow, that is serious when it is dealing with your health. Thanks for sharing, this is good insight.
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