Ok ladies, I did it, I got my locks colored and highlighted!!! Believe it or not this is the first time my hair has ever been dyed and/or highlighted, even before I got locks. I have never been big on color, but I LOVE IT!!! So at my appointment yesterday with the beautician, I got color, highlights, bangs, and layers. Before the cut, my locks were at the middle of my back but now they are a little pass my shoulders; I plan to keep my locks this length because they are much easier to manage and I still have good length. I will post photos of the back of my hair but for now here are a few photos.
Locked 7 years 1 months (Braid-out vs. Roller-Set)
Locked 7 years 1 months (Braid-out vs. Roller-Set)

ooooo its so cute!!
Nice... What color is it? Thinking about doing something special for my 5th Locaversary in September...
Really very pretty!! The color becomes you!! Congratulations, thanks for sharing the pics!!
I like the color as well. Very becoming on you. Thinking about coloring my locs too but am a little afraid.
looking absolutely lovely!! What a revamp :)
Knotty Truth- Thanks!!
JL- You know the beautician created the batch with reddish/brownish hues to compliment my skin tone, so it is not a specific color, sorry.
Felicia- Thank you!! I still want to see your blog, do you have one?
Joyce- Thanks, the beautician tried to create a look that complimented my skin tone and I think he did a good job. I was afraid of color myself, look, it took me 7 years to finally get my locks colored...SO..I say GO FOR IT GIRL!!! I love it and I plan on trying some other varities of colors in the future!!!
Gerrylocs- Thanks!! That is what I was hoping for, I wanted to do something different with my locks, you know, take them up another notch :)
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! the COLOR COMPLIMENTS YOU WELL!!! Sassy, vibrant, hip, and at the same time still elegant & to fit...well~CHOSEN!
I like the fringe. I hope one day to have a cut like that.
sooo beautiful!
i am growing my roots out and plan to get SL when it's long enough (by end of the year, maybe?)
what an inspiration!
Love the fringe (bangs) as you guys across the water refer to it. You look like you are in your twenties....
Ladybutterfly- I love it, thanks!!!
Anthia-ofo- I was not sure what fringe was until Nubian1 made it clear..LOL...thank you :)
Creativespin- Thank you!! Wow, I am excited for you, I look forward to following to seeing your locks :)
Nubian1- Thanks for the clarity on what fringe is :) Also, my 20s, what a great compliment, blushing...
I absolutely, LOVE the bangs and the color!
Thanks Detra :) I am still loving both as well.
You look fabulous!!! You're always gorgeous & beaming!!!
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