I just made it to my 7 year lockversary (July 15, 2010) and boy has this pilgrimage been wonderful. So, my first thought was to continue to let my locks grow until they just wore me out, WELL, I think I am at that point now..WHEW...I have decided with encouragement from Blaq and Monica to go forth and get my locks cut, layered, and have bangs. This is a BIG step for me because in 7 years I have NEVER cut my locks, "trimmed," but not cut so I am VERY excited; especially after visiting Blaq's blog to see, not only was she thinking the same thing I was, but she has already done it and her locks look FABULOUS!!! Check it out: http://www.blaqkofi.blogspot.com/
Reasons to cut some inches off of my locks:
1. The weight of my locks are getting unbearable. I can't put my hair in ponytails because of the tension and weight "I get headaches." I like to workout, swim, etc. so I really need to put my locks up.
2. It takes entirely too long to roller-set (which is my favorite lock style) because of the length, so I haven't done a roller-set in I think 2 years :(
3. It takes entirely too long for my locks to dry, in 7 years I think I have only put heat on my locks maybe, 3-5 times, I really prefer air drying my locks because it is healthier for my hair but because of how long my hair is it is taking to long and some days I go out looking, let's just say, VERY CREATIVE..LOL
4. I am married, and me and my husband do not need to be worried about locks getting in the way...ENOUGH SAID...LOL....I'm jus sayin....
*Ladies, please don't get me wrong, I love my locks and I am grateful that God has blessed me with such a healthy, long, thick, head of hair and I will forever be grateful, I just need to make some adjustments.
"Appointment scheduled for August 17th, I will post photo's"
We understand....locks are supposed to be fun and hassale free. You're just cutting your locks not taking them out. Have fun with them. I look foward to seeing the new cut.
Looking forward to seeing the new cut. Locks are supposed to offer freedom, so, be free!!! I enjoy hearing about your journey and you continue to inspire me. I am 17 months sisterlocked, so I'm not there yet. Waiting for pics!!!
I can't wait to see the lovely results.
Looking forward to your photos,
Lol @ Number 4, I understand sis.
Take Care
Ladies- Thanks for the support and encouragement :)
@Felicia- do you have a blog? I would love to see your locks.
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