Abena's Pages

"Natural Beauties Who Follow My Blog"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Post on my "Natural Hair Journey" (post locks)- "My Starter Products"

For those of you who know me, I am a researcher.  I love to research because it empowers and equips me with information to make the best informed decision for myself.  During my research of blogs, YouTube channels, natural hair books, and talking to the 'Natural Beauties' in my own life I have decided that these are the products I am going to start with in July 2011 when my Locktician cuts my Sisterlocks off. 

During my 8 years with SL's it was because of the research I did and instructions I followed from my wonderful Locktician that enabled me to have an EXCEPTIONAL Sisterlock experience because the foundation for my Locks was healthy and solid.  I plan to take the same approach with this next natural hair pilgrimage in my life :) 

*If you have any products that have worked for you, please share, especially those of you like "V of Locks-n- Motion" who started with a TWA :) 

ALSO: If you are on Facebook I created a Natural Hair page entitled "Natural Beauties" and I would love you all to "Like" my page.  My plan is to make the page a one-stop-shop for natural beauties!
Shea Moisture Products: Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Moisture Retention Shampoo
(You can also purchase at Target, http://www.target.com/, Walgreens, or http://www.walgreens.com/)

 Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and Knot Today (Twist-outs, Braid-outs, Roller-sets, and Wash-n-Go's)
(You can also purchase at Target stores or http://www.target.com/)

 Cantu Shea Butter Grow Strong and Shea Butter Leave-in conditioning repair cream
(You can purchase at Target, http://target.com/, Walgreens, http://walgreens.com/, and WalMart)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chosen Vessel's afterthought.......

For those of you who have followed my journey you know that I did not make this decision to cut my locks lightly. I devoted time, research, patience, and of course prayer and this is the conclusion I came to.

I enjoyed my journey but the time has come and I have total peace about my decision. A few months ago I was going to cut my locks but I was not ready yet so I decided to dye and go with bangs and that was a great temporary solution but I knew that I would eventually come to this final decision.

I will continue to share my natural hair story on my blog that includes years of lock wearing and soon post lock natural hair. Thank you all for your support of my blog and continued support :)  It brings me great joy to hear that my blog has been an inspiration to so many and my hope is that the information and encouragement that I will continue to share will uplift, inspire, and inform. 

Again thanks, this community of Sisterlocks has truly been a blessing to me and made my journey so worthwhile. 
Now to the next chapter......I hope you join me :)
"Let your light shine, and your natural hair flow!"

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dear SisterLocks.....

Dear SisterLocks...I love you...I really do and I have truly enjoyed our pilgrimage. But it's been what, almost 8 years? It's time for a change. I'm sorry...it's not you...it's ME. I need more variety in my life...I need a change.... So...in a couple of months we will have to part ways. There's a few really cute natural styles I've been looking at. *Shrugs* Sometimes it just is what it is...it's been real ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

P.S. I will be documenting my new natural hair journey on this blog, note, name change from Chosen Vessel's Sisterlock Pilgrimage to Chosen Vessel's Natural Hair Pilgrimage :)  I am VERY EXCITED!!!