Abena's Pages

"Natural Beauties Who Follow My Blog"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Post on my "Natural Hair Journey" (post locks)- "My Starter Products"

For those of you who know me, I am a researcher.  I love to research because it empowers and equips me with information to make the best informed decision for myself.  During my research of blogs, YouTube channels, natural hair books, and talking to the 'Natural Beauties' in my own life I have decided that these are the products I am going to start with in July 2011 when my Locktician cuts my Sisterlocks off. 

During my 8 years with SL's it was because of the research I did and instructions I followed from my wonderful Locktician that enabled me to have an EXCEPTIONAL Sisterlock experience because the foundation for my Locks was healthy and solid.  I plan to take the same approach with this next natural hair pilgrimage in my life :) 

*If you have any products that have worked for you, please share, especially those of you like "V of Locks-n- Motion" who started with a TWA :) 

ALSO: If you are on Facebook I created a Natural Hair page entitled "Natural Beauties" and I would love you all to "Like" my page.  My plan is to make the page a one-stop-shop for natural beauties!
Shea Moisture Products: Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Moisture Retention Shampoo
(You can also purchase at Target, http://www.target.com/, Walgreens, or http://www.walgreens.com/)

 Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and Knot Today (Twist-outs, Braid-outs, Roller-sets, and Wash-n-Go's)
(You can also purchase at Target stores or http://www.target.com/)

 Cantu Shea Butter Grow Strong and Shea Butter Leave-in conditioning repair cream
(You can purchase at Target, http://target.com/, Walgreens, http://walgreens.com/, and WalMart)


Kreyola said...

The only product that I have on your list is Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and I still have it :(. I never finish it or use it mush after the first application. I don't know if this was the case for any of the hair type but I have 4a&4b hair type and the curling custard left white residue on my hair after it was dried. The product that I love while being natural was Oyin's Greg Juice, most of Miss Jessie products including Shampoo & Conditioner, Curly ButterCreme and Curly Meringue.

Abena Abena said...

Kreyola- thanks for your input :)

The Woman Inside said...

I use the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie on my daughter and I love how her little curls look! Her hair is soo soft and easy to manage. However, it leaves a build up that causes her hair to look dull after a few days.

BTW I just have to say that your Sisterlocks have been such an inspiration to me. Change is good, good luck on your new, fresh natural hair journey.

Abena Abena said...

The Woman Inside- thanks so much! and I appreciate the heads up :)

Mrs. Bagel said...

I have used the curl enhancing smoothie and the moisture retention shampoo by Shea Moisture. I like to use the CES in the place of a gel when doing my wash n go. It keeps my hair soft and smelling good. The Moisture Retention shampoo has become my favorite shampoo. It really cleans my hair. Best wishes in your journey to the right products!

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Hi Abena,

So far I have used the Kinky-Curly Custard and it leaves a residue as well. When using that product you shouldn't have anything in your hair except for water, if you dont want any residue to show. Also because of my hair type havent really seen any great curl results with this product.
As for the Cantu leave in, I was impressed with this product at first but now it does nothing for my hair. I still really havent found anything thatworks for my hair :( besides carrier oils and essential oils. I guess I should just to stick to what works, lol.

Abena Abena said...

@Mrs. Bagel- Thanks for your input, very helpful :)
@V- Thanks for that warning, I have heard that :) Hey, have you tried applying the Knott Today first and then the Curling Custard? Just wondering, because I was told that some hair types need both for the products to fully work. Also, what about regular gel to bring out your curl pattern. I have heard that the EcoStyling Gel with Olive Olive works well. Just a thougt.